Training Programs

Youth Sail Training Programs in 2024/25

Welcome to our Youth Training Programs in 2024/25

Firstly to those of you returning to Saturday morning training, we hope you had an enjoyable break over winter. "WELCOME BACK".
For those of you who are planning to join our programs for the first time - "WELCOME TO LBSC".

Youth Sail Training will commence on Saturday, 19th of October 2024 at 9.15 am.


Training every Saturday morning will start at 9.15 am and finish at 11.45 am.
Boats must be rigged and sailors, in their sailing gear, ready to start by 9.15 am.

Please assemble on the front lawn where your coach will be waiting by the flag for your group;

  • Tackers at the southern end (boatyard) for children in the Tackers Program
  • Green in the centre for green fleet sailors and
  • Cadets at the northern end (driveway) for gold fleet sailors.

   Click here then choose "Join Group" to join our Facebook Group to receive updates about training activities


This season, Largs will continue our TACKERS Learn to Sail program.

INTRODUCTION Session is now available for a trial session.
The program costs $200.00 per season for Little Tackers and $370.00 per season for Tackers per participant, which includes using an Ozi Opti training boat - just bring a PFD  and wear suitable sailing clothing. (Payment Plans are available)

                     Register on-line for Largs Bay INTRODUCTION SESSION (FREE COME AND TRY)

                     Register on-line for Largs Bay LITTLE TACKERS - Beginners aged 5 to 7 (PACER SAILING WITH INSTRUCTOR)

                     Register on-line for Largs Bay TACKERS - Ages 7 to 12 (Having Fun, Tricks & Techniques and Sailing Fast!         


If you are not able to register online, please view and print the Registration Form below and bring it with you to your first session
or you may email the form to the Training Coordinator - Email:

   View and print a Youth Sail Training and Tackers Registration Form

Courses will also be provided for youth sailors at the following levels

  • Optimist Green Fleet for sailors wishing to improve their sailing skills and join the racing fleet.

  • Mixed Green Fleet - Pacer, Cadet and 420

  • International Cadet Fleet for sailors participating in racing at Largs Bay and at State level.

  • International 420 Fleet for sailors participating in racing at Largs Bay and at State level.

  Register on-line for the Largs Bay 2024/2025 OPTI GREEN FLEET PROGRAM 


If you are not able to register online, please view and print the Registration Form below and bring it with you to your first session or you may email the form to the Training Coordinator - Email:

   View and print a Youth Sail Training and Tackers Registration Form

TACKERS -Please online registration has been completed before sailing session.

OPTI, CADET and 420 FLEET - Club Membership, Training Registration Form and Medical Form must be completed before the sailing session. A
ll of which are available at the registration desk.  
For insurance purposes we do require your child to become a club member after two sessions, if they wish to continue to participate in the training program.

Parents or carers are encouraged to stay at the club for the entire training session and may sometimes be required to help on the beach and in/on the water; ultimately, you will be responsible for your child/children on the day.

If the weather isn’t looking great (very windy, raining, large waves) please still be at the club at 9.15 am ready for a theory session in the clubroom; unless you are advised that the training session has been cancelled.
To receive updates about Training Programs via Facebook notifications please click here and ask to join the group.

For those who do not own a boat, we have boats available at the club to use for training and they will be allocated on the day.  If you are unsure whether you have been allocated a club boat, please see a coach or official.

It will be the sailor (and parent) responsibility to pack up your boat after training.
Please make sure the boat you have used for the session is washed and put away at the end of the training.
A coach or official will show you how, if it’s your first time.

Largs Bay Sailing Club supports:          


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